| Leadership Breakfast 2025 You are invited to attend the 52nd Annual Boy Scout Leadership Breakfast. Celebrate the mission of Scouting and recognize its many noteworthy achievements of the year. Proceeds of the event are used to support Scouting’s important and successful youth development programs serving local youth members in Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine counties. Date - Friday, April 11th, 2025 - The Pfister Hotel, Grand Ballroom, 7th Floor
- 7:00 a.m. Fellowship & Coffee
- 7:30 a.m. Breakfast & Program
| |  | Rudy Ruettiger Emmy Award Winning Motivational Speaker Against all odds on a gridiron in South Bend, Indiana, Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger carved his name into history books as perhaps the most inspiring graduate of the University of Notre Dame. As fans cheered “RU-DY! RU-DY!”, this “five-foot-nothin’, a hundred and nothin’… without a speck of athletic ability”, sacked the quarterback in the last 27 seconds of the only play in the only game of his college football career. He is the first player in the school’s history to be carried off the field on the shoulders of his teammates. As the son of an oil refinery worker and third of 14 children, Rudy rose from the valleys of discouragement and despair to the pinnacles of success. In 1993, TRISTAR Productions immortalized Rudy’s life story with the blockbuster film RUDY. USA TODAY ranked RUDY as the #1 “Best Football Movie of All Time”. Today, Rudy Ruettiger is an Emmy Award Winning Motivational Keynote Speaker, author, and producer with over 25 years of experience speaking to corporations, universities, sports teams, and non-profit organizations. | | | | | Sponsorship Information | Underwriting Sponsor: $20,000 Distinguished Sponsor: $10,000 - 2 tables of 10
- Inclusion in promotional materials
- Half-page tribute ad in program (6.5"w x 4"h)
| Benefactor Sponsor: $5,000 - 1 table of 10, preferred seating
- Inclusion in promotional materials
- Logo recognition on screen & in program
Golden Eagle Sponsor: $3,000 - 1 table of 10
- Logo recognition on screen
- Name listed in program
Guardian Sponsor: $1,500 - 4 seats
- Name listed in program
| A group solicitation is made during the breakfast and individuals who attend are asked to contribute a minimum of $500, although any size gift will be graciously accepted. - Dress is business or business casual.
- The breakfast is expected to conclude by 9:00 a.m.
- Seating is limited. Please place your reservation by Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
For more information, contact Autumn Haebig (414) 443-2872 or Autumn.Haebig@Scouting.org. | | You Can Make a Difference Scouting America offers the finest youth development program available to build leadership, values, life skills, and self-esteem in youth. Your participation helps bring the character-building programs of Scouting to more than 4,500 young people and their families in Kenosha, Milwaukee and Racine Counties. Your support makes programs such as Multicultural Scouting possible for kids in central city neighborhoods. | |